Umberto d'Aniello was born in Capri in 1963. He has lived on the island ever since.
A grant from the Axel Munthe Foundation at age 22, allowed the young photographer to make a trip to Paris and discover the work of Cartier-Bresson, Robert Doisneau, and Edouard Boubat. Later meaningful encounters and workshops with Mimmo Jodice, Franco Fontana, Eikoh Hosoe, Mario Giacomelli, paved the way for the self-taught artist to establish himself as one the most prominent photographers on Capri.
Umberto D'Aniello was recently featured in the magazine Capri Review, along with Helmut Newton, Mimmo Jodice, Fulvio Roiter etc. as one of the greatest photographers to have shot Capri.
He has done numerous solo exhibitions, including "Amada Havana" at the Brescia museum in 2000 and "Visione di un Isola" at the Hartman photo Gallery in Munich in 2003.
His pictures illustrate the books "Footnote on Capri" by Norman Douglas (2003) and "La Jeunesse d'Amour" (2005)
Both published by EDIZIONI LA CONCHIGLIA: http://edizionilaconchiglia.it/en/
Art Photo Book "Capri" - Taking an extraordinary journey around the island, Yvonne Meyer-Lohr links the photographic masterpieces of Umberto D'Aniello with the vivid essays and stories of celebrated Capri-born writer Claretta Cerio. Together, they have fashioned a tribute to one of the most beautiful islands in the world. It is bi-lingual, Italian/English.
Published by EDIZIONI LA CONCHIGLIA: http://edizionilaconchiglia.it/en/
Art Photo Book "Capri - Capreae" - The magnificence and uniqueness of Capri shown in color photography by Umberto D'Aniello. The book features an introduction to Capri by Riccardo Esposito, in English, Italian, German and Spanish.
Published by EDIZIONI LA CONCHIGLIA: http://edizionilaconchiglia.it/en/
Art films - Umberto D'Aniello is an accomplished filmmaker, combining the visual scenery of Capri with music. A selection of his art films is shown on our videos web page.
More videos and photography are on his website, push the button below.
Born into a seafaring family, the sea is always close to my heart. I've tried to capture all of her aspects, the calm and the rough, as a medium for sport, or simply as scenic background. Even though we've drifted apart over the years, the sea remains the fondest memory of my youth spent in Marina Piccola.
As it often happens, one's passion becomes one's work. All began in the early 70's with a spark of enthusiasm and a camera lent by a friend.
Since that day I have spent many hours in a dark room developing my first monochrome films, watching the magic of the pictures appearing on the paper, still immersed in the developing trays.
Much time has passed since then, but my passion for photography has remained strong, actually increased thanks to the development of modern technology which has given birth to a new world I am discovering day by day.
I was born in Capri, a very small island floating like a green jewel in the Gulf of Naples.
My ancestors were born in Capri too.
I have always lived here and I could not imagine living in any different place.
When you spend all your life surrounded by the sea,
you cannot help developing a special symbiosis with it.
I cannot express my feelings by words
I prefer to do it by my pictures.
This series is like a conversation with the sea,
which is always there to listen to me,
when I need to find my roots.
To my father Luigi, a fisherman of Capri, he passed away in 2002, but live in my soul.
Alessandro Catuogno
Alessandro Catuogno is an esteemed wedding photographer.
Davide Esposito Photographer and Journalist
Davide Esposito lives and works on Capri. He started his adventure in the field of photography in 2010 and has worked extensively with prestigious local and national publications, as well as shooting local sporting events, the America's cup, and art expositions.
Davide Esposito (Italy)
Sogno di un'ombra
Davide Esposito says about himself:
"Photographing the surrounding world according to my vision means first of all searching for myself. I "shoot" what I see quickly and interpret it according to what is in my head is at that moment, instinctively. I usually prefer wandering, giving me rather generic goals, a simple direction, which can be diverted in the course of work, without warning, like a lightning strike. I always create a story of what I see, I think a lot in the series and a little in the single shot. Generally, I love everything that is metaphysical, surreal or absurd. My photos are as if suspended, and with them, the elements contained in the image. However, I always try to anchor my shots in the real world: my intention, and therefore the purpose of my shots, is to bring the impossible to the world of the possible."
"In winter, the island of Capri changes its mood. The landscape becomes cruel, rough. Humans begin to slow down their lives, the elements rage arises. Every piece of life turns back at its original form. The darkest Capri obliges me to look at the genesis, my genesis. Introspection, the dualism of the human being, light that burns the darkness, sometimes winning, sometimes losing the fight. The man comes back at his origins, as did Adam.
The winter night makes me lose the consciousness, as I can go deep into my fears, thru my obsession. It's a challenge I must accept to avoid madness, looking for the meaning of the everything."